Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I have a goal...

 My goal is to lose one hundred pounds in a year.  It's not impossible, just difficult to get started.  I need to lose roughly eight to nine pounds a month.  So my plan is simple, no more eating out.  Keep it to a bare minimum and if I do go out (like on date night), I'm going to keep it healthy and proportionate.

  I WILL park the farthest away from an entrance while out so I can walk the distance to get my everyday exercise in.

 I WILL work out everyday.  We have a weight bench in the garage gathering dust, that needs to change.

 I WILL take the dogs out everyday on a walk, either before or after I work.

 I WILL be more active and hike more with Aaron this fall/winter.

 I WILL climb stairs at every opportunity.

 I WILL become better, harder, better, faster, stronger, all while rocking out to Daft Punk.

 These are my rules to live by for the next year.  Guys, don't let me rationalize to myself that I'll "start tomorrow.  Let's keep this going!


  1. Good job just don't lose your temper with me ;)

  2. Sounds good but don't forget to post and let us know what you did for exercise like if you go for a hike snap a pic and post it so we can see what you are doing it will make the blog more fun
