Thursday, July 25, 2013

Battle of the Bulge: Candy Edition

I was watching TV last night with some friends, laughing, having a good time, when one of my friends suddenly interjected with a "great idea".  "If I had a restaurant", she says, "I would give people the option to order licorice straws with their drinks." Now for people who don't know what a licorice straw is, it's when you have a piece of licorice, twisted into a tube, and you bite off both ends, effectively making it a straw.  After she said that we went back to watching TV but after that, all I could think of was eating a giant tub of red vines.  Now, I'm the type of person that can't really stop at just one thing.  I can't just have one potato chip, because I just have this compulsion to eat them all.  So after the mention of licorice was made, I couldn't stop thinking about it.  It drove me crazy all night.  I was trying to find something sweet in the house to eat, but the only thing we had that was sweet was jam.  It made me crazy.  And this is the kind of thing I realized about myself when I'm trying to lose weight or get in shape.  I need to start making it a compulsion like the candy obsession, or the potato chip eating.  It needs to be something I regularly do, like get up in the morning , go walking, get ready for work.  Unfortunately at this moment I'm packing for a trip to the Midwest so that might be difficult.  There is going to be a lot of food, but on the upside, there's also going to be a lot of walking.  So maybe it won't be so bad.  Wish me luck I guess!

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