Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Non Scale Goals

So I have a few fitness related goals I would love to accomplish this year.
1. I want to do a push with proper form right now I can just barley hold my weight to do a plank.
2. I would like to run a mile in under 10min.
3. I would like to compete in a Spartan race but right now I am way to out of shape for that.

I also have a few non fitness related goals.
1. Fit in a pair of jean petal pusher for summer. (Post pic below)
2 I have a dress that fits only because it is stretchy I would love it to be a bit looser so it looks better. I am also aiming for summer time for this goal to. (Post pic of front and side below)

Monday, January 27, 2014

One Month Goal

I woke up at 4:30 this morning to go out walking.  I got the sports bra, I got the pants, I got the shoes, no more excuses.  My goal is to, at the end of February, start walking my one mile course.  This morning was only 0.6 miles.  Not to mention I was sweaty and out of breath at the end.  Stretched some, will have to work weight lifting into the workout next month.  I think this is a pretty good goal.  I'm going to do this every weekday morning with special stuff on the weekends that A and I can do together.  We'll see, I hope this work out, works out.  Hahahaha, made myself laugh. Now for COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Ok i was bad and did not walk this morning before work so went at lunch so fitbit shows 4011 in steps 6000 more to go today ;-)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fitness Goal for 2014

First major fitness goal would be to run a 5K not giving up on that dream. Second one which I think I can accomplish quickly like maybe the next week is to work out each day for 1 hour straight and after I got one hour down going for 1 1/2 hours, ultimately want 3 hours a day. I know this sounds like a lot but I don't want to take 3 years to drop 50 pounds like it took me the last time. Spring is around the corner I want to be able to go hike with my hubby in our local mountains take some pictures and just relax but I need to be able to go long distances hiking. 

Right now I have 50 pounds to drop and would really like to see it off this year :-)
So I think we should share some of our fitness goals since it is that time of year but I think we should do something different this year instead of making a goals like I want to lose 30lb by summer I think we should make some non scale goals. I was super inspired by this blog I read where the girl did this thing called "Operation Yellow Dress" where she works to fit in this cute yellow sun dress and takes pictures along the way. What do you guys think would you like to do this with me if so post your non scale goal or operation whatever sometime this week. Also it doesn't have to be clothes related it could be running a mile in a certain time or doing a hand stand for 30seconds whatever fitness goals you have that don't relate to the scale.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Morning Work Out

From my work out this morning before work did some cardio and squats

Friday, January 10, 2014


So this week has been very strange for me.  I have had little sleep and have been waking up every morning, hours before my alarm is set to sound.  Before, I told myself it was because Aaron was sick and I was waking up with him.  Then I would try and return to sleep, and end up sleeping right through the alarm.  Other days I would awaken at two a.m. and just vow to stay awake all morning, then end up falling asleep at my desk.  I have now resigned to myself that my body doesn't need that much sleep.  If I want to sleep later, I probably have to go to bed later.  A new experiment, I will try this coming week, I will go to sleep an hour later, and see if I wake up an hour later.  Normally I wouldn't be so obsessed with this, but I'm so tired I haven't cooked anything all week.  That is rare for me.