Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Was on Facebook this morning and notice my sister in law had mention a 30 day challenge for planks thought it was about time I started on my core muscle again and what better way to do it then with planks so I went on line found this site.


I am thinking girls that after my doctor gives me the ok (which i hope is this Friday)to go back to normal activities that we do this together. I do know that their are a ton of other challenges out their like pushups and pull ups so go search and if you find something you think would be great for the rest of us then we can add it.

Enough is enough

My back hurt so much when I woke up this morning I had to medicate myself just so I could drive to work. I know it is from my weight. So today I decided to start counting calories and exercising. I will keep you updated on my progress.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Something New

So I saw this list of exercises online last night and I thought it would be a great way to start exercising it uses no equipment and you can do anywhere you have enough room to lay down at. So feeling super good about this I got up this morning got ready grabbed some water and went out with Max. I started out pretty good but by the time I got to the first set of squats my legs were on fire but I tried to push through really trying to drop my butt like you are suppose now I don't do a lot of squats so I felt kind of silly doing this I then look over at max mid squat and he has his head tilted to the side looking at my like wtf are you doing which just made me laugh and made me feel more silly. But with a few breaks I was able to finish even though by the end my jumping jacks where nothing more then me jumping up and down holding my chest. I think I will try to do this work out 2 to 3 times a week but no more then that cause even though my legs aren't to bad right now I know that tomorrow its going to hurt to get out of bed.